The Endless Possibilites in Poetry; 2025

There are Endless Possibilities in Poetry; in 2025.

Instead of thinking of what could go wrong, think of what could go right? Why do we weigh ourselves down with these false notions like;

‘Nobody understands poetry.’

‘Poetry is just a hobby.’

‘Poetry won’t make me money.’

Do you know that entertainers worldwide are some of the most highly  paid? Doesn’t poetry fit into entertainment? Do you know that with all the heaviness that bogs us down, that in 2019, World Health Organisation reported 280 million people worldwide that suffer from depression. That is where poetry comes in. The world needs you as poets, to create a reprieve, to restore us from the insanity of too-much-unnecessary information, from predators and from mindlessness.

In 2025, we are sojourning with you as we launch a new poetry anthology that acknowledges, celebrates and  honours women from Uganda that have done incredible work in all sectors from media, sports, health, entertainment, education, the informal sector, and so on. The anthology will honour women from all over Uganda, of all ages, some of whom have since passed.

We invite you tp be a part of this, buy the book, let others know and share a review. Keep posted to our Facebook and Instagram for more details. This poetry anthology has been supported by East Africa Arts (British Council), and Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health (TICAH) , through their Braid Arts and Culture Fund.

Sending you warmth and endless success in 2025. Let poetry shine through all that you do. Lift your head high. The sun, moon and stars are beckoning. Look at the beauty that is within you and the beauty that surrounds you.

We began in 2009 and we feel like we have just begun.

Thank you and sending you abundance.

Babishai Director at Poetry Africa, 2024

Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva, founder and Director of the Babishai Niwe Poetry Foundation, participated in the 28th Poetry Africa festival that took place from 3 to 12 October in Johannesburg, Durban and virtually.

Beverley in performance at Poetry Africa, 2024-Durban.

After a scintillating interview on South Africa Broadcasting Radio (SABC), where she shared passionately about her journey in poetry, some of her favourite poets and how Babishai has impacted the continent, she arrived in Durban for a riveting week.

At the Mazisi Kunene Foundation, above, with his widow, who has preserved it for over a decade, inviting the world to see the wealth of her husband’s art.

The festival was packed with such masterful discussions on art, branding, multiplicity of genres under poetry, the opportunities within technology and how the different generations have been instrumental in shaping poetry where it is today.

Other Ugandans that participated were spoken word performer Hawa Kimbugwe and U.K based Dr. Nick Makoha. There were outstanding presentations from the University of Johannesburg students, from slam poets across the continent and dynamic performances from vising poets across the world.

Organised by the University of Johannesburg and  the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, in collaboration with major sponsors, the festival was one of the most well organised and creatively curated poetry events on the continent. Curated by Siphindile Hlpmgwa and Quaz Roodt, the entire team of organisers did a splendid job.

The festival was crowned with the Grand poetry slam finale , with an extremely tight race between Masai Sepuru and Olive Olusegun, the latter who eventually took the crown.

Such talent is unparalleled and a huge Congratulations are owed to each contestant.