Soft Tonight

Soft tonight

I feel so…
… soft…

I feel like…
under the sun…

…on hot stone…
spreading out…

a yellow rivulet…
sliding down that slab…

…towards you…

I hope you catch every
t…r…i…c…k…l…e…of  love
I hope you catch every
d…….r……o……p……of me
when I d…r…i…p…intoyourpalms

’cause I feel so…

Lillian Aujo, 2009 winner of the very first  Poetry Award.

The Beverley Nambozo Poetry Award, first winner.

Lillian won 250 US Dollars. This first award was sponsored by Uganda Clays Limited, WordAlive Publishers, Uganda Health Marketing Group and Uganda Women Writers Association (Femrite) read more.

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