Welcome to the #BabishaiDecade, of 2020-2030. It’s been extraordinary and memorable, spending the past ten years with you. Our 2020 has begun. The #Babishai2020 Haiku prize is ready for your submission!
This is the third Haiku prize, titled #Babishai2020. We’re looking for haikus that will make us smitten, haikus that are original, inventive and fresh. Haikus are born from the creative capacity to immerse in the environment and part with solid reminders of it, like precipitation. Submit your freshest, wildest and most risky.
This is the third Haiku prize, titled #Babishai2020. We’re looking for haikus that will make us smitten, haikus that are original, inventive and fresh. Haikus are born from the creative capacity to immerse in the environment and part with solid reminders of it, like precipitation. Submit your freshest, wildest and most risky.

• Submit a maximum of five haikus and minimum of three haikus to and copy
• Each haiku must be original (never previously published either online or in print)
• Submissions will be received from 1 January 2020 from 12:01am (Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania time), to 15 March 2020 11:59pm /2359 h, OR GMT + 3 (i.e Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania time)
• Submissions shall be in English, using Calibri font Size 11, single-spaced, as one Microsoft Word attachment
• Do Not submit your name on the submission itself, rather send your name, country of origin, country of residence and email address, in the body of the email
• The #Babishai2020 haiku award is open to Africans aged 18 and above, whose country of residence, is in Africa
• The winner shall be announced during our sixth poetry festival, which shall take place in Bunyoro, Western Uganda and Kampala, from 25-28 June, 2020
• The winning prize is $300. The second and third shall receive $200 each
• We are stoked that Kariuki wa Nyamu, our previous winner of the #Babishai2017 Haiku prize, will preside over as one of our judges
• Submissions shall be disqualified based on plagiarism and entries outside the time-frame
• The judges’ decision is final

We look forward to your submissions.


It’s been a riveting holiday season, with weekend holiday trainings for children around Kampala City. From December 2019, into the most extraordinary decade yet, 2020, we shall be conducting creative sessions with children, ages 6 to 12 years. We began by creating images and portrayals of the world in 2021-2031. The children envisaged, created and shared.

Photo depicting the dew decade 

The world in 2021-2031. Babishai Children’s Holiday session, December 2019

From 2014, Babishai has been conducting trainings for children, at least three times a year. In 2017, we held our first Babishai children’s production entitled, ‘When Children Dare to Dream,’ which was combined with the launch of our  children’s poetry and short story anthology, titled, ‘When Children Dare to Dream, available at BookPoint Kampala, or which can be delivered at your doorstep.

Poster, advertising the book launch in December.

The trainings are mostly conducted by Director, Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva, a prolific writer, public speaker and artrepreneur. She currently teaches secondary students in English and Literature at an international school, that follows a Cambridge curriculum. She is a leader at Bukoto Toastmasters club in Kampala, and an author of note.

Children creating.

Beverley firmly believes that children, and adults too, have the ability to create, and the resources too. They just need time to believe it and actually do it. The Babishai holiday creative sessions are stimulating, packed with interaction, creative analyses and building words into poems.

clamour: meaning noise. (learning new words.

Learning new words and applying them appropriately, is part of what we do, as children grow, read and learn together.

Superfluous of creativity.

If you’re interested, e have four sessions left of this holiday. It’s 250,000/- per child. Call +256 751 703226.

We wish you a most blest Christmas and New Year.

