Babishai Poetricks at Easter

Mpererwe (Omukyala W'ebimuli) , Uganda

Which Easter CHAMPION are you? Two-year old Abi is a popcorn champion. Five year old Matt is a chocolate champion. This Easter, we’re turning your children into Babishai Easter champions as we share poetry amidst unstoppable fun and laughter. Bring your precious children for our 2016 Babishai Poetricks Creative Easter. Over Christmas, we had tremendous … Continue reading Babishai Poetricks at Easter



Najeera Kampala, Uganda

Your child is creative. Your child is gifted with musicality, words and knowledge. Even with different abilities, your child can still create verse. Through creative reading, writing and speaking, the Babishai Poetry Children's Program is a bi-monthly session, where we train  children from 8 to 12 years of age, on Saturdays, from 10:00am to midday. … Continue reading NOVEMBER CHILDREN’S POETRY TRAINING
