Meet the Team


Team on the Ground

Director and Founder

Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva

Poet, Author, Speaker, Team Lead at Rich Diction Enterprises Ltd. MFA in Creative Writing from Lancaster University. Wide experience in international education, professional team building and coaching.



George Kiwanuka

Legal advisor, partner at Bytelex Advocates, founder and director at StoryMic, Poet.


Andrew Ssebaggala

Outreach and Membership Support. CEO of House of Talent East Africa. Production Manager at Uganda National Cultural Centre in Kampala.


George Gumikiriza

Outreach and Educational Support

Poet. He emerged third in the Babishai2018 Poetry Competition. Travel writer. Engineer by profession.



Flavia Kabuye

Poet. Gerontologist. science researcher. Emerged third in the BN poetry Award, 2010. Supports us with promoting poetry in Entebbe.