2022 Brought So Much Delight, and 2023 will be grander

This year brought with it ripples of delight, cascading creativity with poetry in various forms and opportunities across borders, from publishing three books, the first year we have ever published three books in a space of six months. ‘Dress Me In Disobedience,’ ‘Gorillas of Bwindi Avenue,’ and ‘The night Does Not Drown Us.’ These words of  courage, creativity, well-woven into these fine pages, did take years and months to develop, and it was our pleasure to have them celebrated in this fine year, 2022. We do certainly look forward to 2023.

With our last festival being celebrated online, we continued with online engagements while holding meetings, sessions and opening up new spaces to celebrate poetry with like-minded individuals, curious minds and those eager to spur on with the important work of immersing the society in poetry.

In August, a most unexpected opportunity arose, with Oxfam , where Babishai delivered a creative presentation with young feminists on the topic of climate change. A most crucial time for individuals, for our planet, for women and men alike, when we realize how our individual acts affect the air we breathe, affect our ability to work effectively and our future. The workshop brought together activists and creators, policy makers and educators from all over Africa, rising in unison to address the glaring issue of climate change.

Courtesy photos

2023 will be an even grander year. We are exploring and planning on more intimate spaces of poetry, launching programmes right at your doorsteps, in the comfort of your homes and offices, combining poetry, pleasure and passion.

This to to thank each of you for being a sojourner with us, this year and to thank you for choosing Babishai, even into 2023.

Babishai Theme 2023: Intimacy With Poetry



We took a leap, and in February, launched a children’s book titled, ‘Gorillas of Bwindi Avenue.’ Dr, Harriet Babikako and Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva began the research in 2021, identifying the thrills of gorilla trekking, the logistical preparation before taking the trek and also the various locations around Uganda.

All mountain gorillas in the world are found in DRC, Rwanda and Uganda, with Uganda hosting over 50% of these intriguing animals. Amidst the research, the authors discovered that humans share 98% DNA as gorillas and that they are mostly habituated in families. Thee family adventure book, ‘Gorillas of Bwindi Avenue,’ is a journey to Buhoma, the Northern sector of Bwindi. This children’s book, published by Babishai, shall travel across the world highlighting the indescribable experience of gorilla trekking.

Copies available at 30,000UGX or 9 USD

Email bnpoetryaward@gmail.com