Alawonde Femi, from Oyo, Nigeria, was shortlisted for the Babishai 2017 haiku prize. He fell in love with the haiku after reading the 2016 shortlisted haijins. He is now part of the big and loving haiku family. If his Babishai 2017 haiku submission were food, it would be pounded yam, he says.

Why drew you to participate in the Babishai 2017 haiku prize?

I submitted because of the love I have for a form of haiku brewing here in Africa: Afriku.


Do you have a particular personal story with haikus?

I got to know about Babishai Niwe Poetry Competition in 2016. Then, I submitted to the long poetry section. I am glad to say that Babishai Niwe Poetry Shortlist was my first encounter with haiku. I read the interview of the shortlisted haijins and the shortlist, and fell in love with haiku. I had this desire to try it, so I went online and researched. I first stuck to the traditional seventeen lines, then I met Mr. Adjei on Facebook, sent him some of my works, and hecommented. He also clarified matters. I would be ungrateful If I fail to mention Mr. Kalusian, who tutored me online and My Haiku Pond Academy. I feel drawn towards Mr. Adeleke, and the way he crafts his haikus wow me. Haiku brings out the observant spirit in me, and it has brought me in contact with a lot of great and wonderful haijins all over the world. The haiku family is a big and loving one.

What do you feel about the 2017 shortlist in general?

When I saw the shortlist, I was short of words. The mere fact that what happens in Ghana relates to what happens in Kenya, and that I re-experience the childhood I had in Nigeria by reading a haiku from Zambia, shows that indeed Afriku portrays the oneness of Africa. Each haiku on the shortlist is beautiful on its own, and I find it hard to pick a favourite.


What motivation do poets need, to keep writing, in thisRidiculously competitive world that vies for their attention?

I believe poets need passion and perseverance, these is what drives me.


If your haiku were a food, what would it be?

Pounded yam of course! I don’t toy with it.

Read his two shortlisted haikus here:

savannah hunt…

vultures rush to the kill

before me



an owl hoots

we rush to papa’s bed

too late

We at Babishai, congratulate him again. The winners will  be announced at the #Babishai2017 Poetry Festival dinner on Sunday 6 August at Humura Resort, Kitante Close. Cards are on sale at 40,000/- Call +256 703147862. The full festival programme is here.


The full winning haikus are here:




For Acen Carolyne, this is her first attempt at a literary competition like this. She loves the Japanese haiku and was excited to appear on the Babishai 2017 shortlist. The Ugandan writer has since been published in the Mamba journal.

What drew you to enter the competition?

As a poet, I haven’t participated in any literary competition like this, so I intended to give it a try when I came across the call for submissions for the Baibishai Niwe Haiku contest.


Do you have a particular personal story with haikus?

Yeah! I really do love Haiku but I never penned down any until I saw the call for submissions. It’s amazing that one among my first three Haikus I had submitted, made it on the shortlist. I couldn’t believe my eyes, I was totally surprised because I least expected it. Thereafter my entry into the contest, I have had an Haiku published in the Mamba Journal and I’m proud of that.


What do you think of the shortlist in general?

Wonderful! reading great Haikus emanating from great minds, each and every Haiku deserves to be on the shortlist and I know it will be a herculean task for the judges declaring the winners.

Congratulations to every brain behind these powerful haikus on the list.


What motivation do poets need?

I think platforms like literary festivals are really encouraging for poets to expose their literary works to the world. Contests will always motivate the writer to keep scribbling.

Poets as well must be self-inspired to inspire the world.


If your 2017 haiku submission were food, what would it be?

It will surely be ‘Banku’ an energy giving food prepared with corn and cassava dough relished by virtually ever Ghanaian. It is one of the most popular food in Ghana enjoy with all kinds of soup, stew and hot pepper. before and after an energy sapping work.

Everybody likes it!


Read Acen’s Babishai 2017 haiku here


the drunken cockroach

reels around the verandah-

rooster chuckles


We at Babishai, congratulate her again. The winners will be announced at the #Babishai2017 Poetry Festival dinner on Sunday 6 August at Humura Resort, Kitante Close. Cards are on

The full winning haikus are here:


We at Babishai, congratulate her again. The winners will  be announced at the #Babishai2017 Poetry Festival dinner on Sunday 6 August at Humura Resort, Kitante Close. Cards are on sale at 40,000/- Call +256 703147862. The full festival programme is here.