Monday 31 July 2017  

5:30pm to 7:30pm
Femrite offices, Kamwokya
Discussion of the Babishai 2017 shortlisted haikus, led by Isaac Tibasiima, literary critic and scholar from Makerere University.
Free entry


Wednesday 2 August 2017

8:00pm – 8:45pm Uganda Time
Facebook live chat with Philippa Namutebi Kabali-Kagwa
From her face book page.



Friday 4 August 2017
Departure from 7:30am in Kampala for Najjembe Eastern Uganda
Trek across Mabira, lunch, poetry performances.
Fee: Two Hundred Thousand Shillings (200,000/-)
Payabale by Monday 31 July to George Kiwanuka on +256 703147862


Saturday 5 August 2017
10:00am to 11:00am
Re-Launch of the African Poetry Library
32 Degrees East/Ugandan Art Trust in Kansanga, opposite Bank of Baroda


Saturday 5 August 2:00pm to 6:00pm
Poetry performance by leading Ghanaian poet from Ghana, Oswald Okaitei.

Performances by Tontoma Poetry Jazz, Kitaka Alex, Rashida Namulondo, Wake the Poet, Agaba Ivan and Caesar Obong.
Maisha Garden in Buziga
Entry fee: 20,000/-


Sunday 6 August 2017  11:00am to 3:00pm
Launch of ‘When Children Dare to Dream,’ children’s poetry and story anthology, compiled and edited by Kariuki wa Nyamu and Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva. Illustrations by John Gibu.

Co-mcing by Rashida Namulondo, BN Poetry 2013 winner and Director of Sophia Muwanika Institute and Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva, Director Babishai Poetry.

Children’s performances
Babishai championettes
Uganda Museum Main Hall
Free entry


Sunday 6 August 11:30am to 1:30pm The Uganda Museum Exhibition Hall
Poetry workshop on the craft of the spoken word, led by Oswald Okaitei, the 2016 Ghanaian spoken word artiste of the year. It’s free entry and participants will be certified.


Sunday 6 August 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Workshop by Kagayi Peter, leading poet, performer and trainer from Uganda
Uganda Museum
Register for workshops by sending 100 word bio and photo to babishainiwe@babishainiwe.com
Participants will be certified.

Sunday 6 August 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Babishai 2017 poetry festival sumptuous meal with sumptuous poetry

Dinner cards at 40,000/-
Call George Kiwanuka on +256 703147862 for your card.