Introducing Charlotte Akello.

Charlotte Akello from Uganda, was shortlisted for the Babishai 2017 haiku prize. She is proud that Ugandans have represented well this year and if her haiku submission was a food, it would be cooked pilau, she says.

What drew you to enter for the competition?
I love writing haikus so when I heard about this competition, I decided to submit.

  Do you have a particular story with haikus?
I love nature and I love poetry. It’s only natural that I fall in love with haikus. I usually take pictures and transform them to haikus. I started writing haikus last year and there’s nothing more relieving. I can still capture memories with haikus even when I don’t have a camera.

        What do you feel towards the shortlist in general?
It’s great. I love the depth in the little poems. Too much is said in a few syllables. I also love the fact that Uganda is well represented unlike last year. This shows that Ugandan poets are getting on board.

   What motivation do poets need, to keep writing, in this ridiculously competitive world that vies for their attention?
Poets need to be patient and aim to become better each day. Some poets tend to give up after a year or 2 yet writing in general needs a lot of patience.

 If your 2017 submission was food, what would it be?
Pilau. It is eaten on festivals but everyone has his or her definition of a perfectly cooked pilau.

Here below is Charlotte’s haiku.

A slice of the moon

swimming in the calm night pond–

another festival

Charlotte Akello is proud that Ugandans are representing well this year. We at Babishai, congratulate her again. The winners will  be announced at the #Babishai2017 Poetry Festival dinner on Sunday 6 August at Humura Resort, Kitante Close. Cards are on sale at 40,000/- Call +256 703147862. The full festival programme is here.

The full winning haikus are here:



On 4th June, the team at the Babishai Niwe Poetry Foundation, launched a new business program for artists,mainly poets,. Over the years, reflecting on how challenging it has been for poet to professionalise, value their work, conduct market research and monetize their performances, it was time to overhaul mindsets and set new precedent.

Gyaviira Kyaka, photo by Dilman Dila

Gyavira Kyaka, our main speaker, has over fifteen years’ experience in sales and marketing with Coca-Cola ad Hima Cement and currently works at Vivo Energy. He is also a John Maxwell leadership trainer.

On an unforgettable Saturday afternoon after Uganda Martyrs’ Day, we sat at a round table discussion, over-looking the lush gardens of Mrs. Betty Mugoya in Mpererwe, the hard talks began. Do we, as poets, carry out intense market research, before we produce our work? Or do we produce the book and then hope that our creative promotion will make people buy? Marketing tells us whether or not we should even produce the book.

As people, we are the first brand and our packaging must match the product. Are the consumers of poetry today, the same as they were ten years ago? If they are different, we need to acknowledge that. Who is our target? Who are the biggest influencers?

Dorothy Kisarale, communications consultant, photo by Dilman Dila

As artists,we also need o reinvent ourselves to remain relevant , otherwise we will wake up dead. we really know our customer? What is their age?

Whats their income level? What is our unique value proposition? As poets, how do we create a sellable product?

The hosts of any event must introduce as properly, as honourable members of society.

Present at the meeting were Dorothy Kisarale, Communications consultant, Crystal Rutangye and editor and publisher, Dilman Dila a filmaker and author, Caesar Obong, a spoken word oet, Anna Nakitende, a banker, George Kiwanuka , a law student, Rosey Sembatya, an educator, Denis Lumbasi a journalist, Beverley Nambozo, a writer and leadership trainer and Gyaviira Kyaka, the main speaker. Bbashai will be holding such business talks regularly.