Welcome to Babishai

Warm Greetings!

We have served for over a decade and yet each day that we grind,  there’s always something new that escapes our work plans, something that needs to be celebrated, debated and explored.

The Babishai Niwe Poetry Foundation, began as the Beverley Nambozo Poetry Award in 2009, supporting Ugandan female poets, through annual poetry awards and workshops. with such success, the growing recognition of Ugandan female poets being invited all over the world to present their poetry, participating in masterclasses by leading African literary voices and having their work published, we grew the award and space  to include not only women but also men, from the entire continent, which is how the Babishai Niwe Poetry Foundation was born.

We have published numerable poetry anthologies and poetry collections of our winners from across the continent, launched training and festivals for children and hosted festivals across Uganda, from Mt. Rwenzori, Sipi Falls, Lake Bunyonyi and Mabira Forest.

Proud to be called poets, proud to be associated with those who believe in the potency of poetry and proud to be engaged in such important work. Our partners span across the globe. Our colleagues live in Uganda and across Africa. We are grateful. We are here to promote African poetry, to share, learn and create together.